Conflict: The Bridge Between Separation & Connection
Conflict is a gift - because it serves as the bridge between separation and connection.
Yet, conflict is so uncomfortable, the gifts it offers are difficult to recognize when we're in the throes of it. We feel defensive, compile evidence, blame, shame and then separate.
What if we could instead lean into conflict and receive those wonderful gifts?
The gifts I’m referring to are profound mutual understanding, new possibilities, recognition of others’ wounds — and recognition of our own wounds.
If we’re being honest, having healthy relationships is what brings us the most happiness. When our relationships are functioning well, it feels like security, peace, harmony and joy. When our relationships are in turmoil, it can feel like overwhelm, panic, depression, anxiety and hopelessness.
If your relationships are suffering, then it is inevitable that you will suffer too.
FACT #1: Humans are relational beings. Without relationships, we would perish. This is why it’s crucial to understand how to nurture them.
FACT #2: The world is our mirror. There is no better way to determine our own health than to look at the state of our most important relationships.
The World Is Our Mirror
Our relationships serve as a mirror, and are a necessary component in developing a profound understanding of self. They reveal to us everything about ourselves that we have suppressed.
The most critical component and the biggest gift of relationship is the opportunity to achieve self-awareness. This opportunity presents itself as conflict.
Unfortunately, we have been conditioned to avoid conflict, rather than lean into it.
It feels counterintuitive, but there is healing on the other side of every conflict.
If you are struggling with conflict right now, I want you to know that resolution is possible.
You can resolve your conflicts and deepen bonds with the most significant people in your life.
The process is not simply another form of mediation, where all parties must compromise on what they both agree to lose.
Instead, it is a process of active listening and self-responsibility that promotes healing in the most surprising ways — and opening up possibilities that were once unavailable.
Exploring conflict in a safe, supportive and loving environment that is free of judgment supports mutual understanding and exploration in ways that cannot otherwise occur. From there, you can build a solid foundation for your relationship to flourish and strengthen your bond in ways you never thought possible.
If you are ready to learn how to:
Communicate in ways that help you and others feel heard, seen and understood in any situation,
Locate individual wounds that are creating conflict — and heal them once and for all,
Set and maintain healthy boundaries in all your relationships,
Diffuse and transform arguments into productive conversations, and
Create and maintain relationships that feel mutually supportive, uplifting and secure …
Then book your free breakthrough session today.
It does not matter what the external circumstances are — healing is possible if you want it.
Love and light,