Hop off the blame train to Nowhere.
I’ve been a transcendence coach for many years now, supporting clients with stepping into their purpose so they can manifest the magnificent life that is waiting for them, and there’s one central issue that I've seen surface repeatedly.
People don’t realize that before you can think about your bigger purpose, manifest your desires, or live the life you deeply desire, you must first master the art of resolving conflict.
Conflict is something we all experience at various points in our lives - conflict within ourselves, with others and with the world around us.
When you leave resolving conflict up to chance, you're essentially rolling the dice with your future, because you are no longer the one in the driver's seat of your own life.
Let me break it down for you.
Do you recognize this scenario?
>> You become triggered by the actions of someone you're in relationship with.
>> This causes you discomfort in the form of feeling used, abandoned, betrayed, disrespected or [fill in the blank] …
>> Maybe you don't address it because it's uncomfortable and you hope that it will resolve itself.
>> Or, maybe you wait for the other person to do what's right and fix it.
>> You might even do the brave thing and express how you're feeling. Then one of you either shuts down or loses your temper, which makes things worse.
>> Feeling backed against a wall, one of you eventually sets a boundary and maybe even issues an ultimatum.
>> When that doesn't work, you might decide to end the relationship and go in search for a better one … and you might even find what you're looking for.
>> Then before you know it, you find yourself in the same mess again … feeling the same way, but this time with a different storyline.
>> Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Ugh. It hurts just to write that.
If you can relate, I want you to know that the above scenario is not ‘just a part of life,’ or because some people are are bad or broken. It is a vicious cycle that you get stuck in when you don't know what else to do.
Are you ready for an uncomfortable truth?
Allowing your triggers to rewrite the narrative of your relationships and then adopting the belief that someone else is to blame for the way you feel puts you squarely in the victim's seat. When you believe it's the other person's responsibility to fix how you feel, you give all your power away.
This is how conflict reaches a critical point - seemingly to the point of no return.
Do you know how you win that game?
You simply stop playing.
When you give your power away, it is impossible to be in the vibrational energy of peace and understanding. The worst part is … it blocks you from living into your purpose.
If you want to step out of this painful cycle, then you must first understand that you have the power to easily resolve any conflict.
You just have to get out of your own way.
This is not an easy concept to digest, because we were never taught how to effectively resolve conflict. The world around us has been (purposefully) structured so that blame and punishment are the only tools in the toolbox.
But when you adopt the right process and mindset, you can take the lead in building unbreakable connections with those in your sphere of influence … instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you.
Yes, doing things differently requires a copious amount of courage and patience. It feels strange, and maybe even unsafe to try something different when it comes to conflict.
Because if no one ‘out there’ is to blame, then maybe you are.
However, blame is merely an illusion that is used as a weapon against ourselves to ensure we can remain in our uncomfortable comfort zone (and keep playing small).
I built the Transcend Into Oneness Experience with these truths in mind.
Transcend Into Oneness is a 9-month live, interactive group coaching program that helps you become a conflict resolution facilitator to those in your sphere of influence, so you can be the change you wish to see.
I PROMISE you, there is freedom on the other side of conflict, when you know how to navigate it. Those who have learned this process are living proof that freedom is possible.
(Watch their testimonials here.)
If you don't learn to be the change, then who will?
Enrollment closes soon and spots are filling up by the day. Don’t miss your chance to join us.
Personal payment plans are available. For details, book a call with me here.
With love and light,