Case Study & Testimonial

Tami Sober testimonial. July 6, 2022

  • 1. What was the problem you were having before you began coaching with Sara?

    I am in my mid-50s and had recently made a decision not to pursue an executive leadership position mostly because I wanted to find a way to use my talents to teach about building trust, peace and empathy, but also because I desperately desired work-life balance that I knew would not be possible in that role. My goals seemed lofty and while I wanted to listen to my intuition, and I believed in my abilities, I was finding it difficult to envision a new path forward.

  • 2. What did it feel like as you tried to solve the problem before beginning coaching?

    I felt unfulfilled and caught myself sounding jaded. I recognized that I was complaining a lot and was becoming negative.

  • 3. What was different about Sara’s coaching than all the other things you’ve tried?

    Sara started with a battery of tests, the first of which was to test my innate abilities. It was so affirming when she talked me through my results. This knowledge was so powerful as I finally understood why I feel the way I feel in performing certain parts of my work… It began to make so much sense why certain tasks, projects, or endeavors were extremely rewarding and while others felt like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  • 4. Describe the moment when you realized that Sara’s coaching was actually working to solve your problem?

    The Highlands Ability Battery results definitely provided me with Aha moments. But I really began to see Sara’s coaching at work when she synthesized those test results with other results, such as the Enneagram and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators. I could tell how invested Sara was in knowing and understanding me and using all of what we had talked about to get me to the next step. Different from counseling, Sara continued to scaffold me throughout the process, suggesting additional resources and continuing to build on my prior discoveries. And while I had initiated my time with Sara to address professional goals, her coaching provided benefits for my personal relationships as well.

  • 5. What does life look like now that your problem is solved or is being solved?

    I am at peace and I am trusting the process of life. I am content with my choices and the jadedness I was beginning to experience is gone. I know myself better and I have tools that I can draw on to help me continue moving toward my vision of teaching about building trust, peace and empathy, while using my strengths. I pitched a completely new position that was accepted, and I will be fortunate to build this role, using my innate abilities, and pursuing my passions. In addition, I continue to draw on the tools that Sara provided in order to improve my interpersonal relationships.

  • 6. Is there anything else you would like to share?

    Sara’s ability to help her clients achieve self-awareness is so amazing that I want everyone I love to work with her. The world would be such a different place if we could all just slow down, have someone to guide us as we take the time to reflect and deeply know ourselves. So many people go through life being tossed about without the intentionality woven into Sara’s coaching. I truly appreciated her gentle honesty. And while Sara’s coaching would be helpful at any age (the sooner the better for all of us), as someone contemplating midlife career choices, I found the process particularly timely, useful, and rewarding!

~Mickayla B. - Conflict Resolution Teacher and Facilitator 

I technically had all I had asked out of my life up until that point. So why, then, was I feeling so discontent? Because I was living a life completely out of alignment with what I desired. If I’m being honest, my entire life felt unfulfilling. I was working a job that didn’t align with my passions and with a partner that didn’t inspire me. I was simply existing and going through the motions of life, with a burning desire for something more and no idea how to achieve it. The question of ‘Is this it?’ was almost debilitating as I realized I had accomplished so many ‘goals’ and still felt so ambivalent. I was frustrated and confused, waking up most mornings with a pit in my stomach and not knowing why. 

With Sara’s help, I realized I was extremely powerful in my own right and it was time to start harnessing that power into going after what it was I truly wanted. Sara helped me realize that I am able to have any life I desire, and with that knowing, my entire world flipped upside down, in the best way possible. 

Through coaching with Sara, I have been able to make choices that light me up inside and guide me towards my soul’s purpose. 

Sara’s coaching is revolutionary in so many ways; she is thorough and detailed in making sure we established a deep, vulnerable and powerful relationship while also curating a space for me to understand myself in ways I had never thought to before. The extensive testing at the beginning of coaching helped me explore all aspects of my truest self; having Sara’s expertise in deciphering its meaning and navigating the changes that naturally come from living a life in alignment was crucial for my personal progression. Sara has a way of listening at a level that makes you feel truly heard and that is a quality I have found hard to come by in our fast-paced, go-go-go society. My coaching experience was a completely transformative experience and I know for a fact I would not be living the life I am today without it. Grateful is an understatement.

I quit both my very corporate and traditional jobs and started traveling the world, because it lights my soul on fire, and I have never felt more connected to myself, to others and to nature. Sara’s coaching helped me realize that my dreams were not too far out of reach and that I can have anything I desire. My actions just had to match. With Sara, I gained a confidence in myself and a trust in the Universe that will forever impact the way I move through the world. It was with Sara’s guidance that I felt excited to enter the unknown and pursue a life that fills me up.

I’m now living the life that I actually want. I have the career of my dreams, I’m building relationship with a genuine community and I wake up every morning with an inner knowing that I am on MY path. Not the path that may have been expected of me, or that society says I should be on, or one that makes sense to my peers, but my path. A path filled with purpose and adventure, a path full of laughter and gratitude, a path that I am proud of and that continues to grant blessings beyond what I ever thought would be mine to enjoy. 

Sara’s coaching is truly life-changing and it is not for the faint of heart. Sara is one of the most powerful women I have ever encountered and will push you to be the most authentic version of yourself. She will help you achieve greatness (whatever that looks like for you) and with that, there is a personal responsibility to step into your path of your own accord, with her hand to hold as you baby-step into new possibilities. This can feel intimidating at times, but the rewards are well worth the risks. If you are looking for a more fulfilling, enriched life and ready to take the steps to do so, her coaching is for you.