Manifest the magnificent life that is waiting for you.

Discover the path to joy and inner peace as you transform your life to match your dreams.

If you’re ready to let go of stories that keep you stuck and choose a path filled with joy and purpose, then keep reading ...

Open yourself up to a whole new world

It is your divine right to experience:

Inner peace that comes with stepping into your purpose

Authentic and loving relationships where you are fully appreciated

Overflowing joy that comes with using your natural talents, gifts and abilities

Personal freedom to design an exciting and fulfilling life of your dreams

When you discover what your divine calling is for this lifetime,
a whole new world will open up for you.

Walking the
spiritual path

I love where my purpose has taken me.

I’ve experienced adventures to breathtaking scenes around the world and connected with beautiful souls whom I never would have met if I had chosen what was “safe” over my soul’s purpose. Each day is a gift of peace, presence, joy and adventures.

I’m enjoying my life experiences because I’ve healed my wounds, discovered my purpose and consciously manifest the outcomes I want.

When you walk the spiritual path with practical feet, life becomes magical.

I want that for you too.


Choose your path …

Understand your soul’s imprint, made up of your unique talents, gifts and abilities that you were born to share with the world.

Call in your true desires by inviting your feminine essence to co-create with the universe to manifest your magnificent life.

Transcend inner and outer conflict and learn to heal long-buried wounds as you learn to help others do the same.

What Clients Are Saying:

  • I just want to let you know how much of an impact you’ve made on my life and how much I appreciate you. You helped me realize my purpose. It gave me something to think about, work on and live for. I’ve learned to make the best out of life by putting my purpose into action in any way possible. You helped me in so many ways and I will never be able to express how grateful I am. You have an incredible soul and I hope you never stop sharing it with the world, because you truly make a difference.

    — Bri M.

  • "Sara is an amazing life coach and a spiritual healer. She has been an amazing guide through the self-actualization process."

    ~ STACIE B.

  • "Sara’s ability to help her clients achieve self-awareness is so amazing that I want everyone I love to work with her. The world would be such a different place if we could all just slow down, have someone to guide us as we take the time to reflect and deeply know ourselves. So many people go through life being tossed about without the intentionality woven into Sara’s coaching. I truly appreciated her gentle honesty. And while Sara’s coaching would be helpful at any age (the sooner the better for all of us), as someone contemplating midlife career choices, I found the process particularly timely, useful, and rewarding!"

    ~ TAMI S.

Being human is super.

We have been conditioned to believe that we came into this world to pursue material success and security. We did not come here to experience these things alone. We came to experience the fullness of what it means to be human.

When we learn to release our conditioning we find our way home to ourselves and watch our outer world transform in amazing ways. This is the spiritual journey toward transcendence.

This is the path to joy and inner peace.

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In Service - Trey Junior School

The most beautiful aspect of understanding my own purpose is that I can utilize my feminine-based business to support meaningful projects that are in full alignment to the reason I'm here on the planet - to anchor the consciousness of Oneness. 

The Namugga Mable Foundation is a beautiful representation of Oneness; supporting education for children, housing for orphans and support for single moms. One of the schools supported by this foundation is Trey Junior School, which is a Unitive Justice (UJ) School, named after my son, Trey, who crossed over in 2016.

UJ schools replace rules with values and punishment with connection. I moved to Uganda for six months in 2023 to train teachers in conflict resolution techniques using Unitive Justice theory and process, and the result is a harmonious and loving learning environment where children are thriving! 

Learn more about Trey Junior School here.


You can donate to the Namugga Mable Foundation through our US partner organization, A More Balanced World, here.

IMPORTANT: When donating, please be sure to select “NMF Uganda” in the dropdown box.

Or, you can mail your donation to:

A More Balanced World

25149 Smokewood Way

Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381-2269