Sara Daves Sara Daves

Eclipse Energy Brings Love Center Stage - Spring 2024

Spring has arrived and love is in the air. Can you feel it?

There is an astrological influence brewing, carrying over from last year’s eclipse season in October 2023. This spring’s eclipse season is Part Two of this love saga, and it can help you align with your destiny in love.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

A Paradigm Shift to Unitive Consciousness

Here is a beautifully written excerpt by Namugga Mable Kitiibwa, the founder of the Namugga Mable Foundation, about how Unitive Justice has transformed the lives of so many at Trey Junior School in Uganda.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

Conflict: The Bridge Between Separation & Connection

Conflict is a gift - because it serves as the bridge between separation and connection. Yet, conflict is so uncomfortable, the gifts that it offers are difficult to recognize when we're in the throes of it. We feel defensive, compile evidence, blame, shame and then separate. What if we could instead lean in and receive those wonderful gifts?

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

Manifest Your Magnificent Life

We all have one superpower in common — the ability to manifest. When you learn the method for creating your own reality, you become powerful beyond measure.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

It’s Time To Unlock Your Purpose.

Knowing your purpose empowers you to make a difference in a way that only YOU can. It makes your path clear and it offers validation which helps you relax into your authentic self — which is where inner peace and freedom live.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

Join The Revolution

Are you ready to change the world? I’m leading an 8 week Unitive Justice Theory course to help ordinary people with extraordinary hope and motivation learn life-changing conflict resolution practices and begin to operate from a place of openness and love for humanity.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves


What are you capable of?

Can you honestly answer this question?

No one commits heinous acts unless they have experienced heinous acts committed against them. Instead of pushing for punishment and calling it justice, we could begin the practice of justice as love by asking those in our community, “What have we done to fail you?

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

The Mask

While walking through the grocery store yesterday, it struck me how strange it feels to actually witness all these people wearing masks on their faces. In that moment, I felt like I was living in a movie.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

7 Big Lessons I Learned about Manifesting

In January, I completed two huge projects and began setting my intentions to create something new: a self-guided, online manifesting coaching course. My goal was to create a course that would not only be a tremendous value to my clients, but also an affordable alternative to individual coaching for those who have a pretty good idea of their purpose.

I had some ideas about what it would look like. And today, it looks nothing like that initial idea.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

Adventures On Walden Pond

My father had been a lifelong subscriber to the transcendentalist movement and often quoted Emerson, Thoreau and Whitman. He was an artist who preferred to live simply. And he resented having to live in a world of social injustice.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

Sow Your Seeds, Resurrect Your Dreams

Now that spring is here, I’m planting seeds for my vegetable garden. For me, there is nothing better than digging in the dark, rich soil to help create life-giving sustenance. And there is no other time for it, so I must act now.

This is also the time that I allow the space for feeling into what seeds I would like to plant for the new year. The new year hasn’t really arrived until my daffodils have bloomed.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

The Power Of Sisterhood

In April 2017, I attended a workshop in Monterey, California, with hundreds of women who were just beginning their spiritual based business. I had not planned on attending this workshop, but I received an email from a spiritual-based business coach who was offering free admission to the workshop for those who wanted to attend but didn’t have the funds, through an application process.

I ended up getting a free flight, too. That’s a pretty cool manifesting story for another time.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

How Purpose Impacts Relationship

Women are the ocean that men sail through on ships.

The biggest concern I hear from men is the lack of passion in their intimate relationships. I believe this has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of men (or people who primarily lead with masculine energy) have no idea how their life choices impact the masculine-feminine dynamic.

Photo by Jens Rademacher on Unsplash

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

The Meaning Of Love

On this Valentine’s Day, I invite you to consider the meaning of Love.

You can listen to me talk about Love here.

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Sara Daves Sara Daves

When Divine Inspiration Comes, Listen.

I’m sitting on my porch, in an attempt to pour words onto paper from my heart. It’s October 16, 2018, the day my son Trey left this world, exactly three years ago.

Thinking back to that day, I’m amazed how quickly life circumstances can shift, and how different my life is today, compared to what it was before that fateful day. Three years is not a very long time. I feel like Trey and I were just sitting on the porch together, talking and laughing.

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